Wednesday, April 6, 2011

New Job as a Compost Coordinator

"It was a good day at the market today..."

This is usually the way I feel when I get home from the green market I started working at a couple of months ago. My job is to collect food scraps for composting and inform the community on composting methods.

This is a pilot program from Grow NYC and so far it has been very successful. Just last week we collected a little more than 6,500 pounds of compost that we will be turning into soil.

A resident of Inwood, N.Y. empties his compost.
I also get to collect some of the bags that customers use to bring their compost in. I'm exited to be working there because not only I save food scraps but also bags that I know for sure could end in the garbage.

 See the baskets made of plastic bags at


  1. that sounds awesome! what a good thing to do.
    i wonder, where does the soil that you make then go?
    cheers dear :)

    p.s. you're a better blogger than I am!

  2. VeraVague: "p.s. you're a better blogger than I am!"

    lol, I don't know about that, but thanks! I'm just getting used to the blogosphere...

    The compost will be sold back at the market so that the program can be made self sustainable.

    The pilot program is at is beginning stages of building up community and resources power by creating consistent participation from community members. We are constantly engaged in outreach so that we can recruit as many "composters" as we can.

    The program gets re-evaluated in June 25th by the main office which will determine then if the program can head into another term based on a number of factors, including the amount of people we've served.

    So far so good though. Our numbers keep going up every week!

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. Oh I forgot my point... After the program gets re-evaluated and they decide to keep it another term then we'll bring the soil and work on promoting so that we can use the income to sustain the program.

  4. Great Blog! Follow back if you like.--Diane

  5. Congrats. Decent job for you.
    Part Time Jobs in Brisbane
